Present Simple
(V1, -s, don`t, doesn`t)
Past Simple
(V2, -ed, didn`t)
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
(was, were+not+Ving)
Present Perfect
(have/has+not+V3, ed)
Past Perfect
(had+not+V3, ed)
Past Simple
(V2, ed / didn`t)
Past Perfect
Future Simple

SUPERSTITIONS: Which of them associated with good or bad luck in Britain?

Rewrite the questions into Passive Voice.
1.     Did you invite Peter to the party?
2.     Do you tidy your room every day?
3.     We decorate our flat inside, don`t we?
4.     When do you celebrate your birthday?
5.     Can you write poems?
6.     Who took the book?
7.     Did the girl look for a cat or a dog yesterday?
8.     Did Nick drive to work yesterday?
9.     Who shows the pictures?
10.  We painted our house outside, didn`t we?

Exercise 5. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1) I __ (see) his pictures before I __(visit) the museum. 2) Pedro __(learn) English before he __(go) to England. 3) After Bill __(do) his homework, he __(begin) playing on a computer. 4) Boris __(say) that his uncle __(go) to Kiev yesterday. 5) I soon __(realize) that he __(make) a serious mistake. 6) I __(write) a letter before my mother __(come) home. 7) Lily __(eat) all the cakes before her mother __(come).

TEST Unit 5 Britain and Belarus round the calendar

Interview your partner. Take notes.
-        Have you ever attended a carnival / a festival / a ceremony?
-        Which traditional event do you like most?
-        Is it an annual or a past event?
-        Where and when does the event happen?
-        What preparations are made?
-        What makes the holiday atmosphere special?

Speak about your favourite holidays:

-        What holiday it is

-        When it is observed

-        What the holiday marks
-        How you prepare for it
-        What traditions go with this holiday
-        What you do on this holiday
-        Why do you like it

Belarus official holidays

15 March - Constitution Day
15 March marks the day in 1994 when Belarus established its new Constitution.
2 April - Union Day of Belarus and Russia
This is the official holiday marking the union of the states of Belarus and Russia. On this day in 1996 the President of Belarus (Alexander Lukashenko) and the then-President of Russia(Boris Yeltsin) signed the Commonwealth agreement of Belarus and Russia in Moscow. One year later, on 2 April 1997, came the agreement to form a Belarus-Russia Union.
2nd Sunday in May - Day of the National Emblem and Flag of Belarus
This holiday is dedicated to the main symbols of the country which embody the ideas of national unity and are the major attributes of sovereignty and independence in Belarus. 
9 May - Victory Day
Victory Day commemorates victory in the World War 2 (known as the Great Patriotic War).
During the war, 25 per cent of the population of Belarus died. The occasion is marked with a large parade in Minsk Victory Square led by war veterans.
3 July - Independence Day
In Belarus, Independence Day is celebrated on 3 July and marks the liberation of Minsk in 1944 from fascist aggressors.
The occasion is marked with a large military parade in Pobeditilei Avenue.   Independence Day demonstrates the achievements of a sovereign Belarus and reminds the people that by suffering great loss, they have won the freedom of their country.

Be ready to answer:
1.     How did you celebrate New Year`s Day?
2.     Did you celebrate New Year tree?
3.     What did you hang on the New Year tree?
4.     Did you send New Year cards?
5.     Where did you celebrate the New Year?
6.     Who did you celebrate the New Year with?
7.     Did you invite your relatives?
8.     Did you cook a lot of dishes?
9.     What dishes did you cook?
10.  What presents did you get?

Christmas in Belarus

Christmas is considered one of the main holidays of Christians, the second after Easter. On this day believers celebrate the major event — the birth of the Divine Son Jesus Christ. Celebrating Christmas in Russia is similar to Belarus and Ukraine, and it begins with Christmas Eve January 6, which is called the Sochelnyk. The evening meal on the Eve of Christmas is accompanied by many traditions and ceremonies. This day in food it was possible to accept only so-called sochivo — boiled wheat (or rice) with honey and fruits. The main culinary event of Christmas is a supper on Sochelnyk.  Among these dishes, in olden time, people prepared fish, borsch, vareniki, cabbage, pies and others. But with the approach of the 7-th of January, on the table it was authorized to put meat dishes.

At the first day of Christmas holidays, January 7, almost no visitors go out. Only married children should visit parents after dinner, and thus to speak, that they carry «supper to the Grandfather».On other days after Christmas before the Christening — Svyatki — it was acceptable to take care of the poor and patients requiring people: to visit children`s houses, shelters, hospitals, prisons. Many years ago in Svyatki even the kings dressed as the poor people, visited prisons and gave alms. These days where distinguished by the special saturation magic traditions, guessings and signs. Women beautifully covered tables and prepared the best entertainments.

The special tradition of Christmas and Svyatki in Belarus was kolyadki, or glorification. Youth and children dressed up and went out into the court yard with a large self-made star, singing church songs, and also spiritual songs-kolyadki devoted to Christmas. The custom for singing kolydki spread everywhere, but in different areas of the country, had different features.

 Read the text and complete the table


symbols and traditions



Watch a video about Christmas in Britain. Be ready to speak about its celebration.

Watch the presentation and be ready to talk about Christmas symbols

Read the articles about world currency(валюта) and say what currency is used in English-speaking countries. Do they have coins or banknotes? Do card #5.

Learn the new words. Unit 4

Hometask on Reflexive pronouns. 

1. My brother likes to practice his English by talking to _______.
2. James wasn’t careful and he cut _______ with a knife.
 3. My sister and I looked at ________ in the mirror.
4. The repair shop was closed, so I fixed the car____.
5. Did you enjoy __________ at the party last night?
 6. Cats can get clean by licking ______.
7. (A) Did the cleaners cleaned the house? (B) No, I did it _____!
8. Mr. Smith burned ____ while he was cooking.
9. He dried __________ after he took a shower and went downstairs.
10. Can you teach _________ to play the piano?
11. My little sister dressed _____. She didn’t need any help.
12. Why is your dog scratching _____? Does it have fleas?
13. John and Thomas, did you ask ____the question?
14. Mrs. Brown, please help ____ to the cookies and drinks.
15. I introduced ____ to my new classmates.

Правило Reflexive pronouns

ЗАПОМНИТЕ:  enjoy yourself (весело проводить время), behave yourself (прилично себя вести), help yourself (угощаться), find oneself (очутиться), amuse oneself (развлекаться), do it yourself (сделай сам), pinch oneself (отказать себе в чем-либо), take care of oneself (заботиться о ком-то) и другие.
Возвратные местоимения в английском языке не нужно употреблять после глаголов to feel (чувствовать), to concentrate (сосредоточиться), to relax (расслабиться), to meet (встретиться), to kiss – поцеловаться (и с другими русскими глаголами, которые выражают значение взаимного действия). Также они не используются в выражении to take / to bring something with (взять с собой, принести с собой).

Have you ever thought about the most expensive food? Watch the video and be ready to discuss

Watch the video and be ready to answer the questions: 

This is Britain : food
1 What is the boy’s name?
2 How old is he?
3 Where does he live?
4 What do the boy and his sister have for breakfast?
5 What do they have in their packed lunch?
6 What do they eat on Friday evening?
7 What does Molly have in her curry?
8 What is the name of the supermarket?
9 What do they buy at the supermarket?
10 What do they have for lunch after the supermarket?
11 What is the menu for the Sunday lunch? 

Boarding Schools in the UK. Listening TestВидео и тест на контроль понимания прослушанного/просмотренного по теме «Boarding Schools in the UK», 8 класс, 1 четверть, раздел 2. (Thanks to Татьяна Глушакова)

Useful phrases to express your opinion

Revise the rule

Watch the video and tell us in the class about The Giant’s CausewayThe Giant’s Causeway.
Do the test (adj., articles,,

Урок "Пасха в Великобритании"


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